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Context Menu Editor

PostPosted: November 23, 2009
Context Menu Editor can view and delete links to programs in the context menus (the popup menus you see when you right-click) of files, folders and Internet Explorer.

Context Menu Editor does not delete the programs, it just removes them from your menus. Menu deletions cannot be undone so please use with care - you may need to reinstall your software if you want them back.

Context Menu Editor can view and delete menu items for right clicking on files, right clicking on folders and right clicking in Internet Explorer.

Try Context Menu Editor today to see just how clean your menus can be!

The program can come handy if previous software installation failed to remove a context menu item, or if you wish to (permanently) remove an item that you dont need.


第1步 首先,「下載軟體,下載回來直接按兩下將軟體安裝到電腦中。在「ContextMenuEditor.exe」檔案上按兩下滑鼠左鍵,開始執行。

第2步 接著,我們可以在左邊的下拉選單中點選要修改的項目:

˙File Context Menu:在檔案上按右鍵時
˙Folder Context Menu:在資料夾按右鍵時
˙IE Context Menu:在IE頁面中按右鍵時

第3步 這裡以修改IE選單為例,點選選單中的【IE Context Menu】,然後在下方你要刪除的項目上按一下滑鼠左鍵,使其反白後,再按下〔Delete From Menu〕,即可將此項目刪除。

第4步 如圖,當我們將用不到的選單功能都刪除後,再重新開啟IE瀏覽器,便可看到原本一堆軟體功能的選單,終於變得比較乾淨些囉!

甘涉係統應用 ,注意慎心。